McDude's Kind of Cool

Virtual Reality

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2001-09-18 - 10:11 p.m.

September 18, 2001

It has been a week since I have written. I have spent a lot of time contemplating existence

Today I got to leave work a little early because a virus struck our network and no one could get any work done. So I went with some buddies to a nickel arcade. It was a blast. I played Ms. Pacman for about an hour. I of course got the highscore. They had a ton of old games I have forgotten about. They didn�t have my favorite though, APB a game where you�re a cop driving around pulling people over. That was a great one. And they didn�t have Tapper either.

The way I have existence figured is we are the best virtual reality game ever invented. Some creature that we cannot comprehend has machines hooked up to them so they see and feel exactly what we feel. They forget everything they have ever known and relearn everything using our bodies. They live our lives. Then when we die they come to and meet with their buddies and talk about how they were born in America and brag about all the cool things they did. Some poor guy will talk about how his game sucked because he was born in the Jungles of Brazil and couldn�t get laid. Then they�ll go home and do whatever creatures we cannot comprehend do.

And yes I stole that from some movies, but it is the best theory I could come up with.

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