McDude's Kind of Cool

Motivation Pills

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2002-06-24 - 9:23 p.m.

I�ve gained 5 pounds since the move to the new office. I used to climb 9 flights of stairs twice a day. Now I work in a 3 story building. The other cause is my constantly worrying about my job security is causing me to pig out on comfort food. As Jack Kerouac said, �I�d rather be thin then famous.�

My mind made the decision to wake up 30 minutes earlier and work out. My body would rather hit snooze for an hour. Where do people find motivation? How much would it cost to have someone kick my ass for not following through with my decisions? Could I ground myself? Is there a pill I could take?? Hell�. I bet they are developing one. A pill that motivates would take the place of Prozac, Viagra and Thermo-slim. You�d work out, accomplish things, and your penis would be motivated as well.

I played basketball today. Horrible couldn�t describe it. It was hot, the competition was fierce and I sucked ass. Then after the game while driving home I nearly suffered a heat stroke. Driving in the heat after a workout is worse than driving drunk. I nearly ran over some elderly woman and rear ended about a dozen cars. But now I am at my apartment with the air set to Ice Box. I should work out some more. But I don�t have any motivation pills.

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