McDude's Kind of Cool

Like I had a chance

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2002-03-02 - 7:17 p.m.

I decided to venture out into the snow today to take a walk to McDonalds. The justifications for my walk were the following: I have winter boots, gloves and scarf that never get used and I was bored. So I double clothed my body, like I was tucking in a small child to bed, and left the building. It wasn�t cold until I turned to the north. Then the wind was blowing snow right into my face and I could hardly see. I imagined an old grade-school friend who put his book bag over his head during a snowstorm and was struck by a car (he wasn�t hurt very bad). Moments after this thought entered my mind I nearly stepped in front of a moving snowplow. Now that my heart jumped into my throat I was rethinking my decision to leave the comforts of home. But I persevered.

When I entered McDonalds it appeared that the entire staff was staring at me. Now I realize that they watched me walk all the way across the Walmart parking lot to McDonalds. Probably making fun of my hat and questioning my sanity. They were quite perturbed when they realized I was heading into their store and was going to make them work.

After finishing my meal I reattached all of my winter garments and headed out again. Walking home was much easier with the wind to my back. I began to reminisce about bundling up to deliver newspapers in the snow. Once, while delivering papers in the snow I was ambushed by the neighborhood kids and found myself in a serious snowball fight. One of my foes older sisters who was quite attractive and a couple of years older then myself came to my aid. After we had fought them off she offered me some hot chocolate. I declined and have regretted it ever since. Like I had a chance with her.

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