McDude's Kind of Cool

Lesbian Hipster

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2003-07-03 - 2:11 p.m.

I saw the White Stripes last night. They put on a great show. My right ear is still ringing it was so heavy and loud. We stood about 30 feet from the wall of speakers. My right ear was facing the speakers so that is why it is ringing. After the show we went to a couple of bars. One was a jazz bar. We saw an arrogant jazz singer. He did have a good voice but he acted like a cock. One of the crew I was with was getting trashed. We started arguing about how much of your body weight you lift while doing push-ups. We asked our waitress and surprisingly enough she seriously contemplated the question trying to figure out an appropriate answer. I guess you get waitresses that care in a jazz bar. Our buddy kept trying to make out with my roommate and continued to talk loudly. I thought we were going to get kicked out. He finally walked to the back of the bar when the show ended. We decided to leave and approached him. He was talking with two lesbians. One was a butch with short hair and manly arms. The other was a Lesbian Hipster. She was wearing a pink Cowboy hat a nose ring, and a beaded shirt. When I approached the drunken member of our crew was obviously trying to set her straight.

The hipster asked me, �Do you believe in a life of permanent novelty?� What! I�m a minimalist I responded.

Then, talk show asked. �What is that supposed to mean? Life of Novelty?� We pondered the question for a minute. �Well I guess novelty means new,� answered talk show host. I would have never thought that. I have been to novelty shops. They have dildo�s and porn movies and blow up dolls.

So I pondered her statement again. I figure she was looking for us to say yes that sounded ideal. I did the opposite, �No, I don�t believe in a life of permanent novelty, because if everything is always new. The new would cease to be novel. Thus the statement is a fallacy.�

�Beautiful, that�s beautiful,� the hipster responded.

Then, the butch spoiled the fun, she pulled me aside and asked if the drunken member of the crew was my friend. After nodding yes, she told me to round him up quickly. I nodded yes again. I tried to ignore the request but 30 seconds later she told me to be more assertive about it. So I ended the fun and got everyone to leave. Apparently the drunken member of the crew was threatening to the butch. Her hipster lover was about to switch sides.

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