McDude's Kind of Cool

Calling out Laser Guy

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2001-11-23 - 11:07 p.m.

Last weekend I was at a party. I was drinking singing and having a good time when I noticed a guy with a laser pointer on the balcony. I caved to my pressure and I approached the guy. �Hey man you�re one of those laser pointer guys.�

�Yeah, why?�

So, I proceeded to tell him of the following story. The dorm room I stayed in when I attended school was directly across the street from an all girls dormitory. It was so close anyone could easily make out the goings on in the rooms. I worked with a girl that lived in that dorm and she informed me that someone was shining a laser pointer on people from the 5th floor of my Dorm. I lived on the 4th floor. A night a few weeks later I was drinking �Surfers on Acid� in my room with some friends when a large group of people in a room across the street started giving us the bird. We had a cardboard cutout of Terry Bradshaw in our window so I started making Terry dance and perform lewd acts in the window. After a time the fun ended and we continued drinking. About an hour later 2 guys and a girl walk into our room uninvited. �What�s up.� I say. We seemingly joke around for a while. Then, one of them says, �We have a problem with you guys! You better stop shining a laser on the girls across the street or we will mess you up.� My roommate went off and I had to restrain him while trying diplomatically to tell the invaders they were on the wrong floor. Finally our RA came into the room and forced them to exit. I was wrongly accused and about spilled my drink because of it. All because of a laser guy on another floor.

After telling the laser guy this story he defended his laser use by saying he rarely used it on people he didn�t know. Immediately following this statement he started shining the laser on 2 intoxicated girls crossing the railroad tracks. After 1 of the girls fell he said,�Do you think the laser made them fall?�

I found his actions extremely amusing. Both because of his immediate disproving of his own defense and the curiosity in his voice during his question.

�No laser guy! I think the alcohol made them fall.�

�Man you are just like my brother always kidding around.�

�I am not kidding.� I quickly walked away. I hope he got my point. Use of a laser pointer for reasons other then classroom lecture and pet toys, leads to the mixed drink spillage of innocent victims.

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