McDude's Kind of Cool

Hometown blues

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2003-04-28 - 6:56 p.m.

I went home this weekend. Lots of businesses have closed. The gas station that housed the burger king I worked at closed. A car dealership, the town's largest office and main factory are all empty. At least my parents are great. They are talking about taking a trip to the Grand Canyon. I love to see my parents do what they want to do. I might have held them back being born so late in their lives.

I saw the ex while I was home. She was supposed to call around 6. She called at 7:30. I met her at 8:30 and we left for Wal-Mart. Her phone rang on the way. She looked to see who called then set it down without answering. I asked, "Is that what you do when I call?"

We had a nice talk. She was the one that wanted to remain friends. I'm the one making myself available. She made some excuses. She doesn't want to cut me short on the phone. She feels pressured into providing answers about the direction of her life.

She didn't seem too upset when I told her about my dates. I figure that answers all my questions about whether I'm included in her direction. I might take her back if she makes all the right moves. I won't be making any more moves towards her. I'll be on the couch planning my next date!

I worked out tonight. I plan on working out more. I need to lose some weight. Plus I have to run a mile in 5 minutes 30 seconds by October 1st. I have a long way to go and a short time to get there.

When driving home today the second stoplight before my house started acting up. Everyone else got the green twice before we did. I almost lost my cool.

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