McDude's Kind of Cool

Happy, McDude's Social Disease.

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2001-12-04 - 8:11 p.m.

I am in a great mood today. Well a good mood by most standards. Good moods follow me around like �cloud and rain� follow around depressed people. I think I have the opposite of depression? I wonder if anyone has ever studied the habitually optimistic, good mood, people. Maybe if they would we could learn how to make everyone happy. I don�t think Prozac is cutting it.

It isn�t like I am bouncing off the walls? I am constantly in high spirits. Though you�d never guess it if you saw me. Since I am always pleased with my existence I never seem to beam with enthusiasm. Everyone knows someone who is bouncing with joy one minute then the next minute they are having the worst day of their life. I think today would count as a shitty day for most people. But for me! It doesn�t count at all.

Today someone finally looked at my computer. This is funny because they were supposed to look at it 1 hour after the ticket was opened. It was 26 hours later the guy came, looked at it for 30 seconds, and said, �Your hard drive crashed.� As if I didn�t already know. I had to work on a different floor because nobody took today off. I�ll probably have to do the same tomorrow. Then at the end of the day while I was checking my voice-mail I learned that we will be expected to work Saturdays starting in January through March.

This day would send some people over the edge. But those very same people who would be sent over the edge, also have enthusiastic days where they feel attractive, food tastes excellent, work is easily completed, commutes are shortened, lovers love better. On these days a glow can be seen in a dark room from these people. They laugh like they will never laugh again. Unfortunately, my luck never runs out and I am in a series of flat lining good days. The good becomes plain. Plain kills my personality.

A series of successful gestures constitutes a great personality. So why can�t I successfully show my gleeful emotions? All I need to do is walk to a crowded room and shout, �Hey everyone McDude�s rock�n in the free world.� How successful would that be? Why don�t I smile more? Why don�t I laugh without inhibition when the opportunity knocks? Why can�t I chitchat about the weather, or how bad the world is becoming? Why don�t I say things like, �Man these elevators take forever?� Why am I so darned happy being a flat liner kind of guy? Some might consider this condition harmful for one�s social life. They should give me medicine to take me off of my high and give me a darker more robust personality. Take two of these and have a bad day in the morning.

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