McDude's Kind of Cool

F-More, Learn Later

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Old School

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2001-05-07 - 10:12 p.m.

I wasn�t an extreme rebel in high school. I know a lot of kids who drank more, got high more. I don�t know very many that had more sex. But how is sex rebelling? How do the yuppies rebel?? Maybe the yuppies don�t rebel. Maybe everyone else rebels against the yuppies. I am fighting to not be a yuppie. I don�t have any furniture to speak of. I don�t have a nice foreign car. I don�t muzzle my thoughts not deemed appropriate. I muzzle ones that are. I don�t own any designer clothes. I don�t drink imported alcoholic beverages. But, I find myself more and more intimidated by punkish looking young kids. I find myself thinking like an adult. These young adolescents showing their age by being loud, swearing, getting high, piercing their faces, no respect for what is given to them. I just want to give them a lecture on how to live their lives so they don�t become some of the people I left behind in my hometown. Of course all people my age probably feel the same way. I am sure many generations of 25-year-old people coming of age were thinking the same thing.

�These darn kids now a days.�

Some one said it in reference to me. Probably more like 50 people. I was a lazy kid. I suppose it is all about living in the past and missed opportunities we wish we could take advantage of. We see kids missing their opportunities and all we can do is shake our heads. We are to young to forget how they won�t listen to anyone who tells them what is good for them. We are to old to join them in their carefree discover themselves age.

I should have run track in Jr. High; I should have played Pony League Baseball. I have stayed in Basketball during H.S. I should have studied in H.S. and went straight to a 4 yr University. I should have read more, I should have had less sex, I should have asked out so and so, I should have worked out, I should have read this, I should have fucked that, I should have said this, I should have invested in a Penis Pump, I should have bought that 1988 Jeep Cherokee, I should have not slept through all of my classes, I should have shined.

But I am happy with my life. My luck genes have carried me through a lot of mistakes, which the details of I shall not mention here. I have a great job, a wonderful girlfriend, and self-confidence like you wouldn�t believe. Now all I need to do is convince everyone else to be more like me, so I can rebel by being normal.

I wonder if I would have reached the potential of my genes how smart I would be? How healthy would I be? How tall would I be?(Caffeine Stunts your Growth). How happy would I be? How stuck up would I be.

This being said I am as happy as a fly on shit. So maybe I am lucky. Or maybe all H.S programs should teach kids to fuck more and learn later.

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