McDude's Kind of Cool

Dogs B@lls

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2004-12-05 - 10:08 p.m.

Thursday we had our holiday lunch, which is called a recognition luncheon for diversity reasons. I arrived late because of some work related issues and got stuck at a table with a bunch of people I hardly know. Filter city! I chatted a bit with some of the folks there. The highlight was the comedic magician who performed after lunch. He started off razzing people and telling off color jokes. Someone in management must have shot him a dirty look because suddenly this entertaining comic was rather boring. The highlight of the show was when he touched his nose to his t@int, wait that only happened in my daydream.

Friday night I went out with the Irish girl. We went to the Cheesecake factory. While we were there she started talking about one of the founders of Mt Prospect. She said, �Apparently this busse guy was �dogs b@lls�. What???? �You know he�s dogs b@lls?� Apparently being �Dogs b@lls� is a good thing. It is now one of my new favorite two word phrases.

My favorite phrases! The @ is for a to prevent googling of these phrases.

1. @nything City Example: Filter city used in the first paragraph
2. F@rt Nixon
3. T@int hickee
4. dogs b@lls
5. grt skrt

I went to the Bears game today. Finally they looked like a complete team. With Hutchinson moving the ball, the defense flying around causing turnovers I don�t see how they can lose another game. I was quite pleased. I picked up the old lunch buddy and headed over to the oasis to meet up with Talkshow and BB. When we walked in G-money�s friend Dick was passed out on Talkshow�s leather couch with a girl. Panties and boxers were on the floor. Talkshow as not pleased, �How can I lay down on my couch knowing the nasty events that have taken place there?�

We left and I hobbled to the train and then to the stadium. Our original plan was to meet my roommate and her boyfriend in the parking lot to tailgate. But by the time I got to the south end of the stadium my legs were shot. Mostly my left leg because it was doing all the work, so I called my roommate and told her that I couldn�t make it to the far end of the lot. We sat on the steps and started drinking our beers. A vagrant man stopped by and asked if we had any change. We didn�t have any but we gave him a beer. He stood around for a while and rambled about this and that. He showed us some of the cool things people have given him, like a laser pointer and the perfect woman. The perfect woman is a doll that says ridiculous things like, �Don�t worry about putting the toilet seat down, it makes it easier to clean anyway,�It should say, �I�ll butter your bread for you!�

Time for slumber city!

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