McDude's Kind of Cool

The third party

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2005-02-02 - 10:15 p.m.

Written December 8th 2004
Work has been killing me lately with self studying. Taking online self study courses make the day last forever.

Written over the course of several weeks.

Neglected Journal! Number entry 1

I haven�t published in nearly 2 months. Why? Fear mostly. Most of my procrastination stems from fear of failing. I went to a Bar Mitzvah last weekend. During the reception the father was giving a speech and said,�When you are young you can�t wait to get older, and then when you�re older you wish you were young again. Cherish every moment of your youth because you�re only young once.� My parents gave me similar advice. I might have taken it a little too seriously. I blew off homework to hang out with friends a little to often. I blew off baseball to hang out with friends. I blew off lots of things to hang out with friends. Now I hardly remember half of the great times I had. I wonder what if I had gotten better grades and went to different college how would my life be different? All in all I�ve had a good time. Hopefully that translates into a good future.

He also told the boy, �Face your fears because with each challenge you conquer you�ll gain more confidence.� Now that is a bit of advice my parents could have provided me. But who needs to face your fears when you�re having a good time! Even if I had heard that line at 13 I would probably still procrastinate. Or maybe I would be less likely to dread unknown tasks. Maybe my avoidance of fearful tasks is genetic? Who knows? Nature vs. Nurture.

The relationship between BB and I is over. I�ve been dreading writing about this for nearly 2 months. It was mostly my fault. My fear. BB and I were dating other people, or at least trying to date other people. The threat of a third party jumping in was constantly there and caused a lot of problems. However neither one of us had any luck. Until December, when out of the blue a girl wrote me via an Internet dating site. Girls never wrote me and when they did it was usually someone I would never consider dating. We went out and hit it off. The threat of a third party had instantly become a reality.

I dreaded breaking the news to BB. BB then said, �You�re not going to invite her out on New Years eve are you?� I replied with of course not. Then, BB and I made plans to hang out on a Saturday night. She called to finalize the plans and I asked if this new girl bothered her? She said, �Yes, but what else is new.� pause, �You are not considering inviting her out on New Years are you?�

For some reason that seemed to be a good time to let her know that this girl seemed different, that the new girl was the third party threat we�d been waiting for. �Yes I�m considering it.� After that it was one verbal blunder after another on my part. Any hope of saving a friendship was dashed. For that I�m sorry. I don�t know if a friendship could have been saved anyhow. For some reason I always thought it would be fine if I started dating someone else. Now I realize that was blind and na�ve of me. But we didn�t need to end so badly. I was really choked up after that conversation. I was choked up so much the next day that I cried.

I didn�t speak to her again until after New Years Eve. She wanted an explanation, an apology. The only thing that might have pleased her would have been a grand romantic gesture. I would have needed to throw myself at her feet and tell her that no one could replace her. I was a fool and that I loved only her, but that wasn�t the truth. I can�t explain why we couldn�t have a relationship. I can�t explain why the third party and I can have a relationship. Although we were friends with benefits it is really a break up. We let the relationship go to far. Now we�re left with nothing. I guess mixing friends and lovers together isn�t a good idea.

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