McDude's Kind of Cool

What's Wrong with Cozy?

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2001-10-14 - 8:47 p.m.

My brother visited me this weekend. So naturally I saw some movies. I saw �But, I�m a Cheerleader� and �Mulholland Drive�. Both are movies are anything but mainstream. One would have been if it had a plot that wouldn�t affend anyone. As for the other, well it is good to have to think for once, to not know what exactly was going to happen.

Of course to see Mulholland Drive I had to drive to the ritzy suburb. I felt like such a hick. Once Deerfield Rd turns into Central St. you cross a line. You enter a neighborhood where everybody affords the loving nature of everyone else, by looking and acting the role. I being a hick did not look and act that role. I loved it. I was a minority. For once I was the guy that doesn�t fit in. To them I was from a place and time that isn�t quite understood. What stereotypes did they have of me? Would they allow their daughters to marry me? Would they????

Nope, I fit in. I wasn�t a fish out of water. I so wanted to be the fish out of water. I wanted to be every Brandon Frazier role. I wanted to be the dude that doesn�t quite fit in and has to be strong and assertive to earn the self-respect of the town�s people. I want to teach the kids detassle corn, to drive tractor, to play John Madden Football. But, I can�t do it. I am a chameleon of many roles for which I am always comfortable.

I guess being cozy is a blessing.

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