McDude's Kind of Cool

Buttering Bread(I'm not a sexist)

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2004-04-05 - 10:41 p.m.

Now I�ll write a few comments about buttering bread. My point is that if I the man is paying for dinner and the girl knows I�m paying for dinner then when the community bread comes and she grabs it and starts buttering herself a piece she should at least ask if she can butter a piece for me. That sounds sexist yes. But is it not sexist for me to pay for the entire dinner. If she is paying for half the dinner then I can butter my own bread. But if we�re going to back to 1945 where a man must pay for the woman then the woman must go back to 1945 and butter my bread and cut off the crust. Now what is wrong with that?

Today I took a break with the Russian woman on my team. She is married and has a pair of 1 year old twins. We chat almost daily and she�s always dropping hints about how unhappy she is with her husband. Today was no exception. She said, �My husband does not deserve his beautiful children.� �I need a vacation from my husband.� Sometimes I think this woman just wants me to invite her to a 1- hour hotel for a romp. I try to give her encouragement about her relationship with her husband. But every time I talk him up she says, McDude your so funny, as if I were not being serious.

My weekend was okay. Friday night Benefits Buddy and I went to see a cover band. The old college roommate was there. His friend is the bass player in the band. Since benefits buddy and I are working on ocr�s bands website he said they would put my name on the list to get in for free. We get there and benefits buddy said that our name�s were on the list, but after looking at the list the bouncer said we weren�t on the list. Now I look like some cheap bastard. So I had to pay 8 bucks. Oh well. I drove so Benefits Buddy drank, and drank, and drank. The show started late and so bb was rather goofed up when the show started. She started asking me if she was being annoying. �You�d tell me if I were annoying right? � Am I annoying you yet? How about now? � I�m trying to annoy you� Am I annoying you yet? � You�d tell me right? If I�m annoying you let me know.� Of course the entire conversation was being yelled into my ear because the band was loud which made it twice as annoying. After the third song she asked if we could leave. So I held out for a few more songs before leaving. She�s driving next time. She�ll be lucky if I�m only twice as annoying next time I drink with her driving.

Saturday morning I played football with the guys. I love playing football. Although I realized how out of shape I�ve become over the winter. I was slow, and winded. Offensively I was fine, but defensively I was weak and a detriment to the team. I must get in shape. Plus my 10-year class reunion is coming up. I must be fit.

G-money and I went out for lunch at �On the Border�. The sign on the door said it was going out of business. Which is to bad cause I rather like that place.

Then I went out with the Irish girl. How sad is it that she is leaving on Friday. I have a great time with her. She reminds of the South African in a way. They both are very outspoken. Which is usually extra entertaining because of the interesting accents and figures of speech. Everybody continues to ask me if we�ve been intimate. I interpret that to mean, �McDude, have you fucked her yet? You pussy! Any sort of man would have made her squeal three times by now.� But it isn�t like that at all. Like some girls you hope will shut up because every time they open their mouth something stupid comes out and you are less attractive to them. But with this girl every time she talks some exotic Irish folk sayings come out which makes her more attractive. I�ll see her one more time before she goes back to Ireland. I�ll keep you posted.

The dancer came by to pick up her fish today. I was dreading it, because last week was so peaceful with her out of town. We went to dinner then came back to my place played Ms. Pacman for about 20 minutes. Then she packed up her fish and left. I�m surprised she didn�t smother me at all or give me a guilt trip about anything. Hopefully she�s no longer psycho for me. Maybe she went home to get a knife and now she�s waiting outside my door. She could be love knife material. I guess that is what I get for hanging out with a girl who butters my bread at dinner.

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