McDude's Kind of Cool

Alien Cookbooks from the future

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2002-03-20 - 9:33 p.m.

I almost bought a book titled �Dude Food�. It was a cook book for singe guys. The book would sit around and collect dust so I didn�t make the purchase. I skimmed through many cookbooks today. The majority of books have a chapter or two trying to convince you into thinking the recipes in this book are better then the book next to it. I must say �Dude Food� had the most interesting chapter. But only I know what real �Dude Food� either frozen Microwavable pasta dishes that contain broccoli or frozen dishes. That is when you aren�t totally lazy and head out to the �In and Out Burger�.

I wish all pizza joints had built in laundry mats. You could order a pizza delivered. Then the deliveryman will take your laundry. The next day the pizza man will return your laundry with another pizza. This would be the ultimate in �Dude� technology.

I am beginning to think that Aliens aren�t from other planets but are from our own planet. They are highly evolved humans that travel back in time to study themselves during the early phase of their (our) evolution. Why did we see so many alien crafts during World War II? The aliens filmed World War II for futuristic pay per view television. Why do aliens only abduct crazy trailer trash people? They can only study the most insignificant human beings otherwise they run the risk of altering their own existence. The entire existence of alien life now makes sense.

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