McDude's Kind of Cool


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2001-04-26 - 10:32 p.m.

The Dude�s Boss, �We need to show quality in every aspect of our business we need to get this done before you leave today.� �This� was a project for a system that my company does not use at all. We don�t use �this� to charge people. We do not use �this� to analyze our customer base. We use �this� have to keep information for the sake of keeping information. �This� was broken. This has always been broken and nobody noticed for over two years. Today I had to fix �this�. Because of �this� I had to stay late.

�A product without utility is not a quality product.� The dude said this out of frustration at �this� project today. Why is the company wasting money by paying me to fix �this�?

It is burdensome to see the company you work for and count on for a living inefficiently spending money because someone in middle management is trying to rue their way to upper management. All signs point to yes. Even my boss offered his apologies.

��This� was a bitch to fix.� The dude says as he hands his the final specs to his boss at the end of a 12-hour day.

I can�t complain though. My company is nothing but superb in most regards. Even though it can be cumbersome to move. I am extremely happy with it.

�Ah, Fuck it dude lets go bowling.�

I am such a slacker I can�t find the motive to be pissed at something for more then 10 minutes. Either I am a true optimist, or just a really bad pessimist.

I had a run in with a washing machine today. For some reason the door locked while my clothes were still inside. I had to put $1.50 in just to get my clothes out. I should raise some hell to get my $1.50 back. Of course this would for all practical purposes cost me more then the $1.50 in time. So unlike the government (IRS) I will not spend $2.00 to get $1.50 from someone. So in its own little way I am more successful then the IRS.

On �this� note it is time to say �Later Dude�


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