McDude's Kind of Cool

SuperGirl is in love with me

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2004-02-10 - 10:54 p.m.

Today at work I found out an entire team was laid off. Apparently management had out-source all of their work to Ireland and decided they�re services were not needed anymore. Management set up a meeting with them today. No one on the team new what the meeting was for. Some of them were probably excited about the meeting. Maybe they thought management was going to announce a new project. The entire team gathers to see HR in the room and the area leader. �We�re sorry the,� the HR rep says, �You are all being placed on 60 days notice, you have 1 hour to pack up your things.�

It is like in the movie Good Fellows when the mafia goes to make Joe Pesci, Joe Pesci thinks he�s walking into the room where only the �made� mafia members hang out when they shoot him in the back of the head. That is exactly what they did to this team. I swear the plight of the IT worker in the year 2004 is similar to plight of the family in the Grapes of Wrath.

This layoff is especially bothersome for me because I�ve taking online course the majority of the day. My team is currently being outsourced. The only reason I am not freaking out is because there are no plans to out source my portion of the project. But that could change at any second. I should work on winning the lotto or Grad School. The only reason I chose IT was because of the huge demand. Now we�re a dime a dozen like the old family farmers with no land.

So the other day I show up to work about 30 minutes late. The person who was right behind me and happened to park next to me was my old Project Manager. We get out and chit chat as we walk into the building. Then as I was leaving from work 30 minutes early who was leaving at the same time. My old Project Manager. So that day I was at work for 7 hours minus a 1-hour lunch. He jokes to me, �Nice Hours buddy!� �You to!� I reply. Hopefully he didn�t get a bad impression because he�s the kind of guy that could get me into another position. I�d better kiss his ass a little tomorrow.

My eye is getting better. At least the growth seems to have gone away, although the eye still really blood shot. I�m seeing an ophthalmologist Thursday. Hopefully I�ll keep my eye after that.

I was joking with my friends the other day about Superman�s vision. He has X-ray vision and can see through stuff. But X-ray�s cause cancer therefore if he gazed at someone to long they would get cancer. Like Louis Lane for instance. He�d gaze lovingly into her eyes. Then over time she�d get this white puffy thing, similar to mine, growing in the corner of her eye. She�d see the ophthalmologist and he would say it was eye cancer. I guess Supergirl is in love with me.

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