McDude's Kind of Cool

Sabotaging the Conversation

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2003-05-19 - 10:32 p.m.

I met an old friend at a bar Friday night. I had not seen her in almost 4 years. We worked at BK together. I think she was trying to hook me up with her friend. An 80�s cover band was playing the bar. They started playing �The Warrior�. �Shooting at the walls of heartache.� So I mention to the friend. �Hey do you know what this song is about?�

�No what?�
�The Money shot!�
�The cum shot in a porn movie!�
I repeated the exact same conversation with her friend. Man I can really sabotage a conversation.

One last class is all that is left. I will hand in two partially completed homework assignments and possibly bomb the final. I don�t need the class. If I would have known the class was like testing an experimental hemorrhoid cream�.

I found out the barber who cut my hair while I was growing up had a stroke. He is now paralyzed on his left side. He would always comment on how thick my hair was. He�d also mention how big of a hit I was with the ladies to the other old fellows that were hanging around. The Barber was a huge Cubs fan. He once ruined a guy�s hair because he was rubbing in the Cardinals latest victory over the Cubs.

A friend at work bet me 5 bucks that my ex would not visit me yesterday. Needless to say I took his money and then refused to eat lunch with him. I ate with the big brain instead. Funny thing is I took 5 bucks from the big brain Friday and ad lunch with the friend. Aren�t I a bastard.

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