McDude's Kind of Cool

The Republican

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2004-07-08 - 11:41 p.m.

Thursday July 8, 2004 4:45 PM

While taking a shower today I heard something hit the floor of the tub. The loud noise scared the crap out of me. Upon investigation I discovered it was a dime. So I peak outside the curtain expecting to see a crazed killer with a chainsaw or possibly my roommate. No one was there. I guess taking showers is finally starting to pay off. Maybe instead of growing on trees, money grows from dirty showers. If that is the case I�m never cleaning my bathtub again.

So I�m writing this at work on my new 21-inch monitor. I tried bragging about it to the Russian girl. But she got a new flat screen 21-inch monitor last week. So I email Benefits buddy, because I thought for sure she�d be impressed. Nope! She already had a 21-inch monitor. How a non-profit organization can afford to give its employees 21 inch monitors I�ll never know. Anyway the moral of this paragraph is that I�m not a very good bragger. I�m normally modest and bragging was definitely out of character.

I�m getting ready to leave work for a date. I�ll call this girl �The Republican�. I met her online, but not through an online dating service. We met through yahoo chat. I never log into chat rooms anymore simply because it rots your brain worse than TV. However I decided to check it out one night about a month ago and met her. She�s in law school and is a Bush Backer. Apparently she was working on his campaign in Minnesota during the 2000 election. Of course being a Bush backer is a huge personality flaw. I asked her last week if she planned on seeing Fahrenheit 911. She said yeah, so I suggested we see it together.

I�m going into it totally expecting a huge argument to erupt. I told my co-workers to not ask me any question when I arrive at work tomorrow with a black eye. She recently broke her left hand. She told me it was caught in a door. I really think she punched someone who said they were going to vote for Kerry.

More to Come!

Thursday July 8, 2004 11:22 PM

So the date is over. She didn�t punch anyone in the face either. She might not vote for Bush now. But she �definitely won�t vote for Kerry� either. Overall the experience was okay. She actually reminds me of a mix between baseball glove and the ex, super blonde with a long face. The movie was good. It was a bit over the top in parts, however it was over the top on views that I support. Good job Michael Moore. The short periods of chitchat we had before and after the movie was just that, short. Although I did find myself not paying attention to her long winded stories about car accidents. �My car caught on fire and the frat boy dumped beer�... (enter the Charlie Brown adult voice here)��..and that�s how we got the violin out.�

Then I followed with, �Oh so you had a good college experience?�

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